Happy 9 months sweet Kellan! I can’t believe it has been 9 months already, and still I find myself wondering, “Has it only been 9 months”? You have brought so much joy into our lives, your Daddy and I both wonder how life was before you came into our world. I love each and every day as you always do something new. Whether it’s a new facial expression, a new noise, or lately some new moves, you are very on the move now even though you still haven’t started to crawl. You are so close; I believe it will just happen in the blink of an eye.
Your Daddy is home now and loves every precious minute with you. He was so happy to make it back before you turned 9 months! The smiles you gave him when you saw him were absolutely heart melting. It was as if in your mind he never went anywhere. You were so excited to see him and hear his voice. You even reached for him right away. I can’t tell you how much that meant to your Daddy. You are such a sweet amazing little man, we love every minute watching you and loving you.
New things 9 months have brought:
You are getting very mobile. You love to roll everywhere, and if you see something you want, you roll right over to get it. You are seconds away from crawling. It makes me smile to watch you try. You get so frustrated sometimes, but boy if you only knew how close you are. (PS I predicted you would be 9 months when you started to crawl.)
You can now go from being on your butt sitting, flop onto your belly, and then push yourself back to the sitting position. You are such a strong little man. You also like to push up into your ‘baby yoga’ pose of downward facing dog, or as your Daddy likes to call it – your bear walk!
Each day brings new noises. People swear you are saying mama – but you have been making that noise since you were little little. I am waiting until you look up at me and say it. Baba, and gaga are just some of your new noises. Singing is still a daily staple, and no matter how long you do it, I will never tire of listening to you talk yourself to sleep or first thing in the morning. Other sounds you like to do are clicking your tongue against the roof of your mouth, and grinding down your sharp fangs!
Speaking of Fangs – you now have 5 teeth (your 5th poked through this morning) and you are working on 2 more as we speak. Your bottom two teeth came in at 5 months, and in the past couple of weeks we have seen your top two teeth come out as well as a third on the bottom. (Please remember Mommy’s aren’t for biting!)
After having quite the cold/infection you seem to finally be on the mend. And with feeling better, an appetite for solids is slowly starting to emerge again. So far you like blueberries, cherries, peaches, apricots, pears, apples, oatmeal, cereal, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, and cauliflower. You aren’t so sure about your green veggie friends yet, but we are working on enjoying avocado, zucchini, peas, green beans, and asparagus. You tried egg yolks for the first time yesterday, but didn’t eat enough to form an opinion yet!
Other fun things you do now include, hugs, air kisses (when you want), slobbery kisses (when you can), throwing toys, throwing mini fits, squealing, splashing purposefully in the water (tubby time is still a favorite), mimic sounds and faces mommy makes, and we are still working on your baby signs. You can still do milk and all done. You understand a lot more, but Mommy and Milk have seemed to become the same sign. My new favorite trick of yours is reaching up when you want to be held. It makes me melt every time (gets your Daddy too!).
We love you so much little squishapillar. I am so excited to see what the next couple of months will bring, and yet long for the days to slow down so I can enjoy them more. I can’t believe in 3 short months you will be a toddler!!
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So sweet. I love your writing! Happy 9 months Kellan!
SO Sweet! (I didn't mean to copy what Lolo said) I like his serious face…it's so intense!