Toddler Talk Thursday was created as a place for moms and dads of toddlers to come together over a weekly topic and share ideas, go-to toys, or products. It is a great way to meet other bloggers of toddlers. Each week the topic will be different; we invite you to link up, share your weekly Toddler Talk!!
We are adding something new to Toddler Talk this week.
Each week the hosts will travel around to each blog that links up, and pick an idea, story, or picture they think was a great example of that weeks topic. In order to qualify for this you need to blog about this week’s topic, and follow the hosts. Comments letting us know you are participating are always great too. If we choose your blog, we will link back to your post the following week.
This week’s topic is: Toddler TV and Movies
One big reason for that is my Hubs is currently deployed. I tend to alternate quiet, TV, and Music. There is no way that I could personally keep it off all day. There are days when we just don’t make it out of the house; this means that there are some days when I have little to no interaction at all with adults. I like to keep the TV on channels like the Food Network, HGTV, and PBS so that I can at least hear an adult conversation.
Finally Let’s face it, TV can be a temporary distraction. There have been times (more so now as we bulldoze into the Toddler years) that Squish is just having a bad day. We have tried books, listened to music, gotten out of the house, and nothing works. If I put on one of his signing videos – insta-calm. Honestly, it helps both of us to relax for a few minutes and regain a few minutes of sanity.
So what is Squishy watching??
Nina and Star on Sprout – Squish LOVES Nina. (To be fair he loves all his ladies!) They do signing, singing, and many other things Squish likes. This is also broken into shorter segments so he isn’t watching a huge block of TV.
The Wiggles is another favorite (despite mama’s personal feelings about grown men in weird outfits…:p) Squish loves to dance. The creative color, songs, and costumes are right up his alley.
The movies we watch are mostly baby signing movies that I rent at the library. Squishes signing vocabulary has easily tripled since watching these videos. This has led to him being able to communicate better with me when he wants something. Some are better than others, but they are all enjoyed by my Squishy Baby-Signer!
(Please excuse the mess that comes with a Tornado also known as Squishy!)
Link Up Suggestions
- We ask that you follow all three hosts. That way you can keep up to date on future Toddler Talks.
- Please grab the Toddler Talk Button and display it in your post or on your blog.
- Stop in to other blogs that are linking up. Leave a meaningful comment if you visit, and follow if you would like.
- This link up is for families that have toddlers. Raising a toddler can be fun, crazy, exciting, and exhausting. Sharing what works for you could give other families another way to do things.
Have Fun! – Next weeks topic will be Music!
Latest posts by Emily (Posts)
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oh so you have a tornado of a child living with you too?! Ha, I can pick my house up and literally FIVE minutes will pass and it's a disaster…how that does happen??! Oh well, they are having fun I guess 🙂 We like all of the TV shows you listed too!
I love what you wrote about the wiggles LOL I too think they are weird grown men in weird outfits. We had to slowly faze the show out because it got on my nerves so bad LOL! I hope you are having a great week!
I love your take on this issue. I don't normally let my little guy watch TV, but yes, I do need it for some sanity. What baby signing DVD's do you get at the library? I'd like to look them up!
I wish I would have done the signing videos! I hear so much good stuff about them! That's awesome how great he is doing!
We love Seasame Street too. I think Hayden has a crush on Prairie Dawn!
I will check out those Baby Signing Time videos. I love sign language! Thanks, Emily!