Today I realized that we may be closer to the end of breastfeeding then I thought. While I have a million reasons to be sad about that, I am only feeling happiness. My son is 15.5 months old now, and considering our beginning to breastfeeding, I am thrilled to have made it this long. If you haven’t already done so, please check out my story about beginning breastfeeding at my other blog Simple Gift – Stories from Breastfeeding mamas.
Breastfeeding wasn’t easy for me, and I realize there are many situations when breastfeeding isn’t possible. Whatever your choice for not doing it, I would never judge you. My theory on parenting choices is two fold – Your baby, your body, your choice. And Happy Momma = Happy Baby. Please know this is not a post about formula vs. breastfeeding. This post is about me, and my baby and our choice to breastfeed. For me, Breastfeeding was the route I wanted to go, and best for both Squish and Me.
There are many benefits of breastfeeding. Here are the ones that have made breastfeeding such an amazing experience for us.
- The bonding time was/is indescribable. The first time he smiled at me while nursing, or the way he would touch my face, play with my hair, or simply just stare at me. The softness of his skin and hair that I got to stroke as he ate in the wee hours of the morning. Those are moments I would not trade for anything in the world.
- I suffered from Migraines prior to getting pregnant. Once I got pregnant my migraines all but disappeared. I feared after I had Squish they would return, but they didn’t (well I have had 3-4 since getting pregnant, but not nearly as severe or often as they used to be.) When I asked my OB about it, she told me it was the chemicals released during pregnancy and by breastfeeding those chemicals continued to keep my migraines at bay.
- While I didn’t lose my baby weight right away, I did lose all of it in a decent amount of time, with not dieting. I did start to change my eating habits after I had lost the baby weight, but the initial lose I attribute to breastfeeding.
- I love the convenience of breastfeeding. Once I got comfortable with it, and figured out what worked for us, I never looked back. Not to mention the money saved.
- For me, breastfeeding didn’t keep illness at bay. Squish was sick plenty. But we never did have any ear infection issues, and when he was sick I knew that I could always turn to breastfeeding as a source of comfort.
- Finally, (well there are many more things I loved about breastfeeding, and things that made it clear it was the best choice for us) but I loved that for 7 months my Squishy thrived on only my breast milk. He was constantly at the top of the growth charts. There was a real sense of accomplishment knowing I was able to satisfy my son’s nutritional needs.
While I don’t think breastfeeding for us will end tomorrow, or next week, I can tell that the end is close. Squish is down to 2 nursing sessions a day. One in the am, and one before bed, and honestly he could easily drop the bedtime nursing. I am so glad I stuck it out, and pushed through the hard times in the beginning. The moments I nursed my son are moments that will be with me forever.
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Elizabeth says
15.5 months is awesome! I think that our end is near too. J is almost 14 months and down to 4 sessions a day, but 2 are very quick and sometimes he skips one. Like you, I know I'll miss it but I'm glad to have been able to last as long as I did!
joyfilled says
Good for you! I think it is wonderful how you advocate breastfeeding. I know you're blessing so many people out there with your positive words and encouragement!
And you might be surprised….even with just one or two nursings your little guy might just keep on going for even years down the road. 😉 I'd say ask me how I know, but you already know my story. LOL
Beverly says
I just gave you a lovely blog award! check it out here:
Beverly says
I just gave you the one lovely blog award.
Check it out Here:
MommyWantsToRead says
That's wonderful. I'm jealous of all those mommies who were able to breastfeed. I was one of the unfortunate ones who could not. My milk never came in and I was becoming an emotional wreck over not being able to breastfeed. I finally had to choose to be a healthy sane mommy over a depressed mommy and I stuck with formula. I do not regret for one second stopping my attempts. After over a week of pumping every 2 hours for 15-20 minutes I would get not a single drop of milk and was about to go the medication route. I was miserable and just not there mentally at all. It was far better for my son for me to be there mentally and have the capacity to take care of him. I still got to cuddle and spend wonderful quality time with him and bond with him. He was never got sick and continued to grow at a constant rate 🙂
Rachel @ The Cupcake Sprinkles In Life says
Oh… I remember those bitter sweet feelings as well.
It got to the point that she would rather have her sippy cup than to nurse… it about broke my heart! But I realized that it was her first big step into the big world of becoming and individual and making those first big choices… she weaned effortlessly and thankfully at a pace that didn't leave me engorged. phew…
The second one I pumped for {she had extreme sucking issues}, for one whole year… after that, I simply could not sustain a decent flow to meet her growing demands… so she happily switched to a sippy too.
Enjoy those big milestones!
Emily says
Elizabeth – that is awesome too! J is adorable.
Joyfilled – you are very correct. I guess I never know 🙂
Beverly – Thank you
MommywantstoRead – I am glad you made the choice that made you and your baby happy. Like I said in my post that is most important.
Rachel – Thank you! I am trying to enjoy these milestones. 🙂 And pumping for a full year! Good for you, I would never be able to do that!
The Baby Store Plus says
Phase 2 is now live! You are welcome to enter that giveaway too!
Karrie says
Great job. Thanks for sharing.
Karyn Hughes says
Thank you for sharing your story!
Fritter says
Thank you for sharing! Yes, I had some really bittersweet feelings about weaning my son too. I think it was harder on me than it was on him to be honest! Now we get to do it again, and I'm hoping to make it as long as I can.
fancygrlnancy says
awesome you made is so long! thank you for sharing your story!
Stephanie-jean Life:SemiCrunchy says
Thank you for sharing your story 🙂 I breastfeed my son until his first birthday (when he self weaned). My daughter is now 9 months and showing no interest in stopping… so I think she will probably go for at least 15 months!