As many of you know my little Squishy hasn’t been doing well the last couple of days. In fact in the past 48 hours he has been in 3 different hospitals for tests, and ER visits. Had blood drawn, had a catheter inserted to get a clean urine specimen, 2 chest x-rays, and seen 4 different doctors.
Granted, as of right now, everything is pointing to a nasty virus, but he has also been improperly diagnosed with Pneumonia and Bronchitis. (I have to admit, after I cried due to feeling like a mom failure for not knowing my child was so sick, I thought that was odd that 24 hours ago my son was running around the strip. Sure he had a cold, but he was happy, no fever. I didn’t realize Pneumonia could just show up over night. But I thought Doctor’s know best.)
This isn’t the first time this has happened. Back in June Squishy was diagnosed with a UTI after getting a high fever and not being able to hold down any voice. While we were in the ER I said to the Doctor, “So these spots on his feet and back are they a heat rash?” Doctor replied, “Oh probably.” Again, I figured he must be right.
The next day we went into our Pediatrician with the diagnosis of the UTI. I again pointed out the spots on his feet, and the Doctor opened Squishy’s mouth to find it covered in ulcers, he had hand foot mouth disease, not a UTI. (Which means the prescribed antibiotics were not needed.)
Back to currently day, my son was diagnosed with Tonsillitis, and an Upper Respiratory Infection, but his 2nd X-ray showed absolutely NO Pneumonia or Bronchitis. I think that it was an honest mistake. I don’t know that the first x-ray didn’t show up weird. But what I do know, is the best thing you can do for your child, no matter what the diagnosis is to go in prepared.
1. Write down any and all symptoms you child is having. Just because something doesn’t necessary fit into a perfect “illness checklist” doesn’t mean it isn’t important.
2. Be prepared. When you get into see your Doctor, especially with a sick child, make sure you have all the questions written down that you want answers to. Squish gets upset when he sees Doctors and he isn’t feeling well. So if I didn’t have a list in front of me it would be easy to get lost in the tears and clingy child.
3. Listen to your gut. If something doesn’t seem right to you, speak up! Your toddler can’t always verbalize what is going on. They are very reliant on you to be their voice. So if the Doctor tells you something is normal, and you don’t agree, say so. If you don’t understand a diagnosis, ask for clarification. If you noticed something odd, and the Doctor brushes it off, keep bringing it up. Mother’s Instinct is real, and powerful. You know your child the best. Listen to your nagging gut when something just doesn’t feel right, or something needs to be done.
4. Be Polite, Patient, and Powerful. Doctors tend to respond better to parents who have their head on straight. It is easy when your child is sick to get lost in the emotions that go along with that. Sometimes it can manifest itself in and impatient, rude, or timid parent. Keep you head about you, do your best to control your emotional reactions, but don’t forget to use your voice. Save the other behaviors for the car, or the shower, or the conversations with your partner.
5. Don’t forget, as a parent you are your child’s advocate for the next 18 years, if not for the rest of their life. Speak Up.
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Poor, poor Squishy!!!!
Praying for him- keep him cuddled up! {{{hugs for mom, too}}}
Love this post! So so true! Thanks for posting it.
I hope he's feeling better soon. Poor little guy. Jaslyn is also sick ๐
Oh my goodness Emily. Big hugs to you both!!
So sorry Squishy isn't feeling well, hope he starts feeling better soon.
I completely agree with you about being your child's voice. When J was 11 months old and was having problems urinating the doctors wanted me to wait hours before going in. It had already been 15 or so hours as it was so I pressed them to let me bring him in right then…that god I did since he ended up in the OR a few hours later due to a block in his penis.
He looks so sad. He is lucky to have such an amazing mom to keep him comforted and safe.
You are a fantastic mama!
Fantastic post Emily!! A similiar thing happened to my Lillian when she was only a few months old and caused her to spend a few days in the Children's Hospital!! A great reminder to parents to be the voice of their little ones, not only for health reasons but every day life reason's, too.
I'm hoping little Squish Man feels better real soon. I've been thinkin about him!! Hugs and Snuggles from Dawn!! ๐
Very good advice. Especially about keeping your cool when talking to the doctor. It's easy to be frustrated/scared/angry when your kid is sick, but doctors respond much better to parents that aren't screaming at them to make their child better. Hope he feels better soon ๐
This is such a great post as far as the advice goes. When it comes to little squish I hope he feels better soon. I also just read on facebook that you got sick too, so I hope you are able to find some time to rest and feel better soon also! I wish I was closer to help out a bit and give you a big hug.
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Emma Michaels
Thanks JC! It has been a long week!! Hope all is well with you and your sweet boy!
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I hope your lil' squishy starts feeling better! And AMEN! More Mom's need to remember that THEY are the expert on their child and be willing to stand up for them, even to intimidating doctors!