Do you Believe in Fairies?
Well, at least the Fairy Hobmother!
There is nothing more exciting then opening up your email to find that your Fairy Hobmother has paid it a visit and wants to spoil you with an unexpected gift! In my case, the Fairy Hobmother sprinkled my inbox with an Amazon Gift Card! Just perfect for checking off items on our holiday list!
I didn’t even know it was possible to have a Fairy Hobmother until I visited another blog friend a month or so ago. Leanne at Life of Rylie and Bryce Too! asked everyone to leave a comment on what they wish the Fairy Hobmother would bring them. I mentioned how much a gift card would help our holiday gift buying this year.
My Fairy Hobmother granted my wish by giving me an Amazon gift card! I am so excited about this visit I haven’t even decided what to use it for! But I do know it sure makes the holidays a little bit brighter!
Even Fairies need a day job. When my Fairy Hobmother sprinkling inboxes with goodies, he also works for Appliances Online, which is the UK’s largest online appliance specialists. They sell a huge selection easy to use cookers and more!
Do you know how this gets even better?
If you leave a comment with something that is on your Holiday Wish List, you could be the next person to get a visit from the Fairy Hobmother!
Disclosure: I really did receive an Amazon Gift Card, and I am hoping YOU are next!
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Holiday Wish list includes this baby coming out before Christmas 😉
Would love some baby boy clothes for my new grandson that is coming in January. We sure don’t want him in his sisters handme downs. LOL.
I would love to have a new camera for Christmas. I have been saving money to get one, and can’t wait till the day I finally can put it in my online shopping cart and check out!!!
Ummm, this is amazing. OK, on my rational list: a Shark steam mop. My tiles are a disaster. On my WISH list: a KitchenAid mixer or a VitaMix.
I want a VitaMix too!! 🙂
Yay for the Fairy Hobmother! An Amazon gift card would also be a great gift for finishing up our Christmas shopping…and maybe some leftover to buy myself something fun too! 🙂
This is probably a silly question but what is a “hob”mother? On my wishlist is a Shark stick vac! 🙂
Hmmm- I don’t know how that came about! A shark would be pretty cool!!
This is so cute. My girls are obsessed with fairies at the moment 🙂 How cool that you received a gift!
I could really use that Amazon gift card to help me get that Sony Bloggie I’ve been wanting for awhile now! 🙂
What a sweet idea! A new jacket/coat is on my wish list. I’ve been wearing the same wool peacoat since before my oldest was born three years ago, and he and my twins have spit up on it, gotten food on it, and one of the buttons is missing. I’ve never dry cleaned it because why bother! One of these days I will replace it with something else warm, but EASY TO CLEAN. 😛
Oh man! Yes I would say you are due for to a new coat!
*Oh, and that was so generous of your Fairy Hobmother. What a great company! 🙂
My wish list includes a few things right now but the two worth mentioning would be some signing time dvds for my daughter. They have helped her speech development so much! The other is a new car seat for the baby to come. Our last one had the handle fall off right inmy hands! Company didn’t do anything to make it right so we need a new one and soon!
For Christmas I’m looking for anything running related. That stuff is expensive and adds up so fast. The Fairy Hobmother idea is so cool. thanks for sharing the love.
Would absolutely love a gift card myself, to help with our extremely tight Christmas budget this year.. 🙂 My boys need one more present each and I think we’re set!
I hope you get a visit! Your boys are adorable!! 🙂
Oooooh I’m so glad the Fairy Hobmother paid you a visit! Isn’t she great?
Yes! Thank you! 🙂
I think I’d probably wish for an Amazon giftcard to purchase some presents for my sister or a Wal-Mart giftcard to purchase groceries. Or a plane ticket to be able to see my sister! I miss her!
Oh I hear you! Missing family is not fun!! Happy Holidays!
I would love some paypal cash or a Visa gift card to help pay off my student loans!
Ugh student loans SUCK!
I could really use an Ipad to give to my husband, to use for college or a visa card.
livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com
My christmas wish list includes an external flash for my camera so I can work on improving my photography!!
I think your photography rocks – but I have heard those are pretty cool!
What a fun post. I would love to buy a black pencil skirt so I can look professional at my new job!
lexigurl_17 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Love pencil skirts! So simple and classic!
How fun!!! If anyone wants to do this next year, I’d love to help start it off. 🙂
My cousin just called me the other day and I would LOVE the Fairy Hobmother to send my two boys an Elf on the Shelf with the storybook! If you haven’t heard about it yet, it is worth learning about if you have kids/grand kids/nieces/nephews… If I understand correctly, the kids can’t touch the Elf, and each night he moves to another place in the house (Facebook page has a ton of great ideas on what to do with the Elf), and the premise is that Santa sends his Elfs to watch kids each year and at midnight on Christmas Eve, he brings them all back to the North Pole to report if kids have been naughty or nice… then brings presents or coal. My cousin says that her 4 year old has been helping around the house so the Elf will report back how good he is being… he cleaned the big living room mirror with lysol wipes, picked up his toys without being asked, etc. She LOVES it! 🙂 They had it at Target and on Amazon… and I was dragging my feet on getting it because we just don’t have the extra money. We’ve got Christmas just about covered, and that was just extra. 🙂
Happy Holidays! ~ Wendi
wbarker at
That is a great wish Wendi! I hope you get a visit! 🙂
I don’t really have a wish list or anything because I am too busy worrying about getting things for everyone else. 🙂 However, I would love some clothes that actually fit, because I’ve lost weight and gone down a few sizes. OR I would like an iPad.. how about that.. yeah.. an iPad LOL a girl can dream, right?
Good for you for losing weight!! And yes, and iPad would be awesome!
My wish would be to get new pots & pans for the house…I know super realistic and not very “dream like” but so over cooking with one pot and one pan!
Oh, That is a good wish!!
I’m hoping Santa (or the Fairy Hobmother!!) brings me a rice cooker! Lol. Isn’t that a lame gift request?! I’d settle for a new camera too 😉
My wish list has a Kitchen Aid stand mixer on it. I bake a lot and broke the stand that my hand held mixer fit on. I don’t think my elves here are going to deliver one. They don’t realize that it means more treats for them.
I’d love a gift card !!
I would love an iPhone 4S to take pictures/videos of the kids when I am out and about. I can’t lug it all with me and miss some pretty good shots/moments out in public.