I’m thrilled to share some big baby news … Our family is growing!
Yes, we are pregnant with our second baby.
Squishy is going to be a big brother!
Baby is due early December and we couldn’t be happier.
But, I’m also scared/worried/anxious.
- I’m not at the weight I had hoped to be for this pregnancy. Will that mean I have sciatic/SPD issues like my last pregnancy?
- Will I have enough love for both my children?
- How will having my husband deployed for part of this pregnancy feel?
- Oh my goodness – two babies on a plane? (I like to travel when the hubs deploys for work, will I still be able to do that?)
- My cloth diaper service just closed it’s doors, can I actually wash and do my own cloth diapering at home?
- Will a VBAC be possible?
If you remember my post about growing our family a couple months back, you know that like most of life’s little blessings, this one was a happy and much wanted surprise. My first son also surprised us, so this isn’t anything new to us. We know that every baby is a blessing, and we are thrilled to patiently wait for ours!
I was initially told after my appendectomy in 2004 that I would have a hard time conceiving do to a large amount of cysts on my ovaries so I am very much aware of how much of a blessing both my pregnancies are. I do know a few things for sure, and that makes me even more excited then anxious or worried.
- My babies have the best daddy they could ever ask for!
- My son will be an excellent big brother!
- I have a wonderful support system, I just need to learn to ask for help when I need it.
- My son is happy, healthy, and thriving, I can do this again.
- I have always wanted a large family.
- I am a good mother.
How far along? 9 weeks 4 daysHow I found out: I realized on April Fools Day, I was late. I tested, it came back positive almost immediately! Definitely not an April Fools Day joke!, but feel free to insert your funny jokes here!Total weight gain: -2Maternity clothes? Not yetStretch marks? Just the ones left over from my 10lb 2oz baby boy!Sleep: All the freaking time! If I could take multiple naps a day, I would!Best moment this week: Telling family and close friends!Miss Anything? CaffeineMovement: Nope it’s too early!Food cravings: Cheese, Mexican food, and Donuts! :O I haven’t had one a donut since my last pregnancy!Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken, Meat in general, mushrooms, pretty much anything just depends on the time…Fitness: No more 5k for me. (*) Elliptical a few times a week + my new DVDs Knocked Up FitnessLabor Signs: Nope! (not for a very long time I hope!)Symptoms: Exhaustion 24/7, nausea (no vomiting yet…), round ligament pain.Belly Button in or out? No one needs to see my belly button! LOL It’s still in.Wedding rings on or off? OnHappy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy, but really really tired. I’m pretty much able to cry on the drop of a dime.Looking forward to: Meeting with my new OB and talking about my chances of having a VBAC.
(*) A note about my 5k plans and my fitness goals during this pregnancy.
I thought long and hard about this. I asked many a fitness friend their opinions. I have never been a runner. In fact, I pretty much loathe running. Yet, it was on my bucket list to run a 5k. So I planned and started training for the Las Vegas 5k. I was very excited for it and progressing through my couch25k training. However, we found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks in. At this time, while I was making it through my workouts, I was still huffing and puffing, and pushing hard to get it down.
Then at 5 weeks pregnant my sciatica kicked in big time. It came down to the fact that I didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize this pregnancy. While I know plenty of women run through their pregnancies, I know I would have blamed running if something would have happened.
My goal is to keep very physical during this pregnancy. Keep my fitness up, and put my weight loss on hold. Make healthier food choices than I did with my last pregnancy, and hope that it will result in a faster turnaround post baby.
On another personal note I didn’t start blogging until my son was a month old, so I am very excited to document this pregnancy as I go on my blog. Stay tuned for more changes around here!!
Did you have any fears/worries about being pregnant the second time around?
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Thank you!
Thank you Tricia
I am not sure how active you were when pregnant with Squishy, but I’ve found that just some minor fitness activities — and running around after a 12-18 mo old – this time have helped my sciatica/SPD a lot. Actually, sciatica has been nearly nonexistent this time. In terms of SPD – I have a better doc this time and she told me not to cross my legs (I got a medela nursing stool, which helps a ton with that!!) and try to watch center of balance (don’t put too much weight on only one side at a time.) Last time, I was in extreme SPD pain from about 4 months in. This time, I’m 7mos along and only really have a problem when I push myself too hard (universal studios Saturday night was not such a hot idea ;))
Think positive! Congrats!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for your advice and kind words! They really do mean a lot to me. I am wishing you a happy and healthy rest of your pregnancy too!! Xoxxo!
Congratulations! What a happy surprise!
Thank you Lindsay!
I traveled a ton with both of my boys from very little on. It’s totally doable. Rule #1: If someone offers to help you, take the help. No need to make things hard on yourself.
And I think the not running is a good choice. Running is totally doable during pregnancy IF you were already a runner. I never recommend that a woman start running during pregnancy. Running will still be there when the baby arrives. ;o)
Thank you! I know that I made the right choice with Running, but I am hoping to pick it back up later. And I do need to work on accepting help from others more! Thank you for your kind words of support!
Congrats! You’ll be just fine. And you’ll have more love than you can imagine for 2 kids… I promise. It’s great that you have a good support system, that makes a big difference!
Thank you Donna, I think the more I hear that, the more I know it to be true! Hope you are having a nice week!
Congratulations, we are so excited for your family. Trust me you will be just amazed daily just how much love you do have . Can’t wait to follow this pregnancy ! Wishing you the best /easiest pregnancy ever! A big blogger hug coming your way.
Thank you Amber for the congrats and the hug! You rock! 🙂
Congratulations!!! I’m so excited for you! But I am sad that your sciatic pain has started already. I was in such pain with my last pregnancy from 6 months on that sometimes I’d just break down in tears when I’d try to walk; it hurt so badly. I couldn’t lift my legs to get my pants on without severe pain. I didn’t know that there was a name for this until I read your post. Totally makes me scared to have another baby!
Don’t worry about the washing diapers and traveling. Both are totally doable. Once you get into a routine with the new baby then you’ll realize that things that once seemed daunting with 2 kids are doable.
Even though I’ve never met you in person, I can tell that you’re a strong woman and can take in stride what life throws at you. You’ll be a great mom of 2!!!
Thank you Amy! You are right about a schedule I am sure. We are just starting to implement one with Squishy on an everyday basis, and I know that will be important when baby comes. I am very nervous about the sciatic already acting up, but hoping physical activity will keep it at bay!
I’m just soooooo thrilled for you! I know you were looking forward very much to a surprise like this, so I’m just super, super happy about it!
Thank you so much Liz! You are very right, I was/am pretty over the moon to get the news!
“Will I have enough love for both my children?”
Yes, yes, yes!
“How will having my husband deployed for part of this pregnancy feel?”
My husband moved to Winnemucca (northern NV) from Vegas to start a job while I finished working in my third trimester – it was so hard to be apart and pregnant and not at all like having a spouse deployed but though the missing felt more intense with being pregnant I had a lot of support. I’m sure your support network will get you through, will he be able to Skype with you while he’s gone?
Thank you Homa! So happy we met the other day, sounds like you will have lots of great advice for me! My hubs does get to video chat depending on service where he is at, so that is a big bonus!
Congrats!!! You will be amazed how much your heart grows with each child 🙂
Thank you Heather, everyone seems to be mimicking that sentiment so it must be true!
YAY, congratulations!
Thanks Crystal!
Thank you April!
Congrats to you! I’m right there with you being nervous about the 2nd time around. Good for you for staying fit! I ran with my first pregnancy, but not this one. *sigh*
Jenn, when is your number 2 due? Thank you so much for your congratulations, and I wish it right back to you as well!
Thank you Stefanie!
Yeaaaaaaaaaa:)) I am so happy for you!!! Awesome Emily how wonderful!!
Thank you Lisa! We are very excited. 😉
Thank you so much Michelle!
CONGRATS!!!! So excited for you. I think it’s very wise to put your 5k goal on hold and focus on a healthy pregnancy.
Thank you Kerri! I appreciate you saying so about the 5k. It was such a hard choice!
Aww Emily! Congrats!! 🙂 How exciting for you all. I think you will be just fine dealing with all that you deal with. Being pregnant with a husband who is deployed is difficult, but manageable. My husband was gone the entire time I was pregnant with Marcus Andrew. He came home the week before he was due and was gone 3 weeks later. It’s tough, but you are tough and can do it! You have a wonderful support system already and I’m sure they will be even more eager to help out afterwards. As far as traveling goes… get yourself a baby carrier. I can’t remember if you carried Squish or not, but it will make life SO much easier with 2 to deal with. Hands free with the littlest and you can still manage #1.
That stinks your diaper service closed! If there aren’t any around, washing them yourself is EASY peasy! If you need any help, just let me know. 🙂 You can also check out http://theecofriendlyfamily.com/ for diaper washing tips. Amanda is amazing and super helpful in all aspects!
Good luck and H&H 9 months to you!!
Amanda 🙂
Thank you Amanda! I know I already sent you an email response to this, but I just wanted to say how much I love reading your comments here. I hope you and the family are doing well!! I love Eco Friendly Family and am a huge babywearing fanatic, so that will be helpful. Love to catch up sometime!
Congrats! Wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy!
Thank you so much Vanessa!
Big congrats and I wash my own cloth diapers – you can do it!
Thanks Darcy! I’d love to pick your brain on CDing sometime! 🙂
Congratulations! Based on this post alone, I know you’ll do fine. You’ve got a great frame of mind and will have a lovely little helper to keep you smiling the whole way through 🙂
I was nervous when I found out our second baby was on the way, especially because we had to try for over 2yrs for our first and our second was a total surprise, but ya know, somehow, someway, your heart grows and makes room to love another baby. It even does it again for a third. It’s amazing, but it’s real.
I’d love to know what OB you’re using here in Vegas. I need a new gyno (feel free to email if you’d rather not announce!)
Awe Marcie that is so sweet! Thank you for your kind words – emailing you my new OB info! 🙂
Congratulations!! We just had our second too 🙂
I have loved seeing your two children bond in pictures you share!! Thank you Penelope!
I’m so excited for you!!! I just announced on Friday that I’m pregnant with my second too – due the first week of December! I’m adding your blog to my Reader – it will be fun to travel this journey together!
Callie – you have the most adorable son! Thanks for your kind words!
Congratulations Emily & hubby!
Thank you Brandie!
Congrats Emily! That is so exciting!
Thank you Alicia!
Thank you Ty!
Yay! Yay! Yay! I am so super excited for you all. I think not running is also a good idea. I’m excited to follow along on this journey! xo
Thank you so much Carrie!
Yay!! I am so happy for you Emily!! Please let me know if I can help you in any way!! Can’t wait to follow your baby journey!
Thank you Abbie! Your offer means a lot to me!! Looking forward to this journey myself!
Thank you so much Julie!
oh yay!!! Congrats!!!
Thank you Adelina!
Congratulations!!! I’m so excited for you!
Thank you Trisha!
I am so, so happy for you Emily! Lets go out for Mexican and celebrate!!
You are going to rock being a mama of 2!! Love you!!
Thank you Lolo!! I see a date in our future!! Mexican = Yum!! LOL
What great news! Yes, you will have enough love for two, a mother’s love is always expanding! I am so happy for you!
That is good to hear! Thank you Lisa!
Congrats on Squishy 2! I wonder what the new babe’s nickname will be 🙂 Thanks for commenting on my partial-green (mostly berries) smoothie post. Earlier today my 9yo asked for that exact recipe… it’s a keeper!
Thank you! Who knows. I joke I need to change Squishy’s name to sharpie now that his has lost all his baby fat and is all angles and sharp edges! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I have two little ones (4 months & 22 months) and yes you will definitely have enough love for both of your children. I actually felt a little sad that my first didn’t have more time to be the only child, but then I realized that was silly since none of my other children would ever be the only child. Instead, I took a break and just soaked up some special time with my first before baby arrived. I also have tried to make sure I spend special time with her when baby is napping too. My hubby wasn’t deployed, but he did work/live in a different state during the majority of my first pregnancy. It was really hard taking the prego classes by myself, but looking back all that mattered is the time we had together after the baby was born. The cloth diapering is pretty much the same for 1 as it is for 2. I had to add to my stash and I wash diapers every other day, but it just becomes part of your routine. I didn’t have to worry about having a VBAC, but I would recommend looking into having a Doula. They are a great resource and sometimes a doctor who is open to a VBAC early on may not be as supportive later, so it’s nice to have some one on your side and helping you make the best decision for yourself. Hope you have a wonderful pregnancy, a safe delivery, and a healthy baby!
That is a great suggestion. I met my OB today and he is pretty darn cool we are keeping our options open, my so was huge and early, so we will see. Thank you for the advice about special time with my older son too!! Cassie – you rock!
CONGRATS!!! You are going to LOVE being a mommy of 2!
Thank you Heather! I think I will too!
Hurrah, another baby! And to answer your question, #2… “Will I have enough love for my second baby?” I know this answer (raises hand, and says ‘oh oh oh’), The answer is yes, yes, yes. One of the great many things about God is that when it comes to our children, without fail, our cup runneth over. 🙂
Congrats on your great news!!!
Thank you Rosey!
September 14th. Over halfway there already!
Yay! Congratulations!!! I’m due in mid-December. teehee.
I assure you, you will love both of your children equally…but in different ways! Don’t worry; love only grows, it doesn’t disappear. And you CAN cloth diaper and wash at home. It’s easier than you’d think! 🙂
I hope everything goes well with your pregnancy.
I am so happy for you! Truly, every baby is a blessing from the heavens. My due is on early July, I can’t wait to touch my first son. Have a safe pregnancy!
Thank you Saraya! And congrats on your little man!! Little boys are the best! 😛
Congrats to you and your growing family!! So happy for ya 😉 yes, I had all of the same fears w baby #2! hang in there, it all works out! I stayed VERY active while pregnant w #2, and only gained 17lbs! It was a super easy pregnancy and no swelling, so I know my activity level played. Big part in that! That Knocked Up Fitness sounds fun, I’ll have to tell my prego friends!!