Yay for hitting the third trimester mark. It amazes me how much has changed in my body since my 24 week pregnancy update!
I can’t believe we are in the home stretch, and in the same breath, I can’t believe I still have 12(ish) weeks left to go. I feel about as big as a tent at this point, so much for not gaining much weight this pregnancy. My last OB appointment put me at 22lbs gained in 28 weeks. I said to my husband in the beginning that as long as I could stay at 40 or under this pregnancy I would be happy. I know that seems like a lot for most pregnancies, and I had hoped to be a lot under that, but at this point I think I am accepting reality and am just thankful for a healthy pregnancy. I do think I look bigger at 28 weeks than last pregnancy… I am also starting to swell, which right now my OB is contributing to the heat here, but I am crossing my fingers that this isn’t anything like my last pregnancy swelling… 20lbs of water weight in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy and pre-e was not fun. I am planning on cutting out some of my salt intake to be safe, and starting a food journal to make sure I am eating the best I can.
Speaking of huge… I am still working out at my gym Lifetime Fitness, and loving all the class options they have for me and my schedule. Lately I have been taking advantage of the open swim times and a few classes. Last week I took a Yoga/Pilates Fusion class that was done in a heated room and I LOVED it!! It was hard, but not too hard. I burned a ton of calories, drank a ton of water, and felt like my body melted away some of the tension I have been carrying in my back. Right now they only offer that one once a week, but I plan on continuing as long as I can!
Another thing that was pretty amazing was getting my 3D Ultrasound done. I will share more pictures, but here is a sneak peek!! My baby Monster Truck sure looks a lot like his big brother in this scan!
How far along? 28 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain: +22 (Nothing to do but sigh… my OB is not concerned)
Maternity clothes? No other options at this point… even my regular t-shirts are starting to get short.
Stretch marks? Beginning to wonder if some of them are new…
Sleep: I pretty much can’t function without a daily nap!!
Best moment this week: Seeing baby Monster Truck up on the big screen during my 3D ultrasound. He looks a lot like his big brother already!
Miss Anything? Beer. I swear I don’t drink that much, but the only thing I have missed this pregnancy is a refreshing cocktail… especially on hot days or days when my 3 year old gives me a run for my money.
Movement: Tons. Still more mellow then Squishy was when he was in my belly, but lots of knees in my belly. (Thanks to my 3D Ultrasound I now know what I’m poking at or what is poking me!) Also lots of hiccups lately! (For the baby not me!)
Food cravings: I don’t know how I missed this before, but the only craving that has stuck around long term is anything Lemon. Lemon cake, lemonade, lemon tea… Still digging cheese, Mexican food, and pretzel bread… although given my weight gain I think it’s time to lay off a bit…
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken.
Fitness: See above update!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: Heartburn, Sciatic, SPD, loss of patience.
Belly Button in or out? It’s still in, but surprisingly it’s starting to come out a bit! My last pregnancy it looked like a deep crater where my belly button is.
Wedding rings on or off? Off, but I am thinking this is due to heat and some swelling I have been dealing with.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy, although I am seeing my patience spread thinner these days.
Looking forward to: Bi-monthly doctors appointments.
NOT looking forward to: Glucose Testing! BOO!! (Still haven’t done this yet!)
And finally a look through the weeks! I am so happy I have done this with both pregnancies. It is great to look back and see how I have compared to my first pregnancy, and how I am growing in this one. I know my husband has enjoyed seeing it as well, as he can’t be here to see it first hand. Poor guy deploys at 14(?) weeks and will be coming home to a 34(?)week pregnancy. I am so happy he will be home, but wow! Talk about a change!
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You look great!
I think you look smaller with MT than with squish…all in all you look awesome and I am jealous. Especially with your weight gain…this kid of mine is packing pounds on me left and right and I am going crazy!
GL on the GD test. I HIGHLY recommend you don’t eat anything carby before that test. I failed my one hour and the 3 hour truly nearly killed me. I have never been so sick in my life.
You just look fantastic! I can’t believe you’re already 28 weeks, time will fly by for sure!
Seriously you are absolutely adorable!!