With my first son, I thought I had done all my homework. I took a breastfeeding class, read a few books, and knew I had no desire to use formula if at all possible. However, after Squishy was born with blood sugar issues, and the hospital required me to supplement formula, it wasn’t a shock that my son developed a lazy latch while breastfeeding. What was a shock, was that everyone told me I was doing it right, and the cracking and bleeding would subside soon instead of seeing there was an issue.
8 weeks later I was crying every time my son latched. By this point in time I had spent countless amounts of money on creams, salves, and anything I thought would easy the pain. Turns out my son had a lazy latch. He would start off nursing great and then eventually work his way down until he was barely doing any work. OUCH!
Milk Dreams!
I have to tell you, having tried nearly every product on the market if it wasn’t for my gel pad soothers and 100% Lansinoh lanolin, I don’t think I would have made it as long as I did before getting help from a professional. The Lansinoh lanolin lasted longer than other products on the market, and the gel soothers were great for soothing my soreness post breastfeeding. My husband was always great at making runs to the store for more lanolin over the 16 months we nursed!
I also learned at 8 weeks that not all breast milk storage bags are created equal. Have you heard of the saying there is no use crying over spilled milk? Well, I am pretty sure the person who said that wasn’t a breastfeeding mother. In order to allow my breasts to heal, I was instructed to pump for 1 day. At 8 weeks it was time to introduce the bottle to my son anyway, so I pumped. I am sure I must have looked a bit like a crazy woman when I opened my fridge to see that my breast milk storage bags had leaked all of that precious milk inside my fridge. I was certain my baby was going to starve. While I didn’t realize it then as I thought I just had a bad batch of storage bags, I learned later that it wasn’t a bad batch it was the brand when I tried buying those bags again a few months later. Hands down (pumping joke), the Lansinoh storage bags were so much better, easier to use, and held up in my freeze, fridge, and travels.
I have to say I am very excited to try one Lansinoh product I had not seen the last time I was breastfeeding. The 3-1 Breast Therapy pads are reusable pads that can be heated or chilled to meet the needs of a breastfeeding mom. I am sure we will start out with them in the fridge to soothe sore breasts in the beginning, and once my son and I have established a solid breastfeeding schedule/relationship and I introduce pumping for storage purposes, I can heat them up to encourage let down while pumping.
This time around I am glad I know what products work, and which ones don’t. There are so many options for parents on the market when it comes to breastfeeding products, and clearly all products are not created equal! If you want a quality product that is going to work exactly as you need it to, a product that understands the needs and struggles of breastfeeding mothers, then you need to buy Lansinoh. I’m all stocked up and ready to go!
Now all I need is the baby!
You can find Lansinoh on Facebook and Twitter. Make sure you follow for tips, discounts, and support!
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Jenn @therebelchick says
I love that you are finding awesome products to help with your breastfeeding! It can be really hard for some to get through it and products like these can make a big difference!
Alicia says
Those look great! I wish I would have had some when I was breastfeeding, especially my first!
Bridget A says
Those look like an amazing product!
Melissa says
I’m definitely going to be stocking up on all this!
Andrea Kruse says
I used the Lanisoh products with both my babies and yes, there really is a difference! I was lucky that I was given samples to try when my first was born. It really can make the breastfeeding experience more enjoyable.
Jennifer says
I love that you found Lansinoh. I absolutely love their products
Jennifer says
I will have to keep these in mind for my pregnant friends!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
I had a short period where I had pain with each of my kids and that’s the brand I used to help!
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy says
For me, it was just a couple of weeks of cracking and bleeding. Loved using Lansinoh.
Elaina- A Time Out for Mommy says
I LOVE Lansinoh products!
Hanan says
I cracked and bleed so bad with my second, mostly because she wasn’t latching right. I was very thankful to have Lansinoh products around though!
Toni says
OOHHHH I would have loved those reusable therapy pads when I was nursing. I got mastitis with one of mine and nursed it through, I was lucky it didn’t get bad enough to need antibiotics but it was so painful
Patricia Williams says
I did not give much thought to the milk storage bags. I would be crying too if that happened to me. Now I know what brand to have on hand when my little one gets here. Thanks.
Natalie Finch says
I can’t imagine the panic you felt when your bags leaked, I feel sick for you! My husband once spilled 8 ounces and I could have KILLED him, I was so upset.
I plan to get the “3-1 Breast Therapy pads” too – because I’ve heard if you warm them, they are great for clogged ducts, which I had an issue with last time I nursed.
Liz Ticona says
I tried breastfeeding too in the hospital with nurses and even a lactation consultant who said my baby had a good latch but it was torture pain for me, I’d cry and i couldn’t see myself doing that every couple of hours. I felt so guilty because i tried nipple creams but nothing helped so i’m bottle feeding my baby. I of course didn’t know about this lansinoh’s breast pads. I wish i had known and i’ll definitely let mama’s to be know about it. thanks for the information! 🙂
Bekah Kuczenski says
I have never tried the 3 in 1 breast therapy pads, but with my next baby I definitely want to try them!
Danielle Ring says
I’m sorry you had to go through the issues you did with your first. i wish you the best of luck with your newbie! I have breastfed all 3 of my kiddos for at least 12 months each and it was WORK but my knowledge and experience helped me more than anything and I have since been able to help many of my mommy friends too. BEST OF LUCK!
rebeka deleon says
scared to breastfeed. i know the babies need a lot more feedings and it takes them longer to eat baby food…. eehh
Brenda says
great info! i love lansinoh products and am using the lanolin religiously right now! i’m dying to try the 3-1 pads…sounds good for my sore breasts right now!
Kellie Kluger says
I love lansinoh products, their lanolin is the only one I will use! I’d love to try some of their other items.
Leona M says
Oh wow. That experience sounds ROUGH! Way to go for sticking through the pain! I hope I can.
Olivia L says
Lanolin really is a lifesaver! I was only sore the first couple of weeks, but it helped a lot.
Priscilla Benavides says
Awesome post on preparing for Breastfeeding! It will be my first time breastfeeding in April so I want to feel prepared and reading this post was very helpful!!