Disclaimer: If you aren’t into reading birth stories and all the details that go along with them, I suggest you skip to the next post. I will be sharing my full birth story here with all the fun/gross/normal details that go along with that.
Baby D’s VBAC Birth Story
- Previous Cesarean Section
- Gestational Diabetes
- Very Big First Baby
- Thick Meconium
- Heart Decelerations
- Double Wrapped Cord
- Posterior Baby
- Vacuum Delivery
To say that I had the cards stacked against a vaginal delivery would be an understatement. Thankfully I was blessed with an OB who gave me my VBAC. An OB who was willing to give me and my body every opportunity to get it done, believed I could do it, and watched my baby like a hawk to make sure we were still on the right side of safe.
Speaking of safe…
I think it is safe to say that this baby boy wanted to let mama know he wasn’t going to do anything according to anyone else’s schedule. It was decided a few weeks before my son came into this world, that due to my gestational diabetes, a predicted large baby, and my desire not to be induced I would be scheduled for a repeat C-section on December 6th, my son’s due date. That is unless my son decided to come on his own prior to that date in which case both my OB and my high-risk OB were willing to allow me to attempt to VBAC. (Vaginal delivery after cesarean). I was really hoping to avoid a repeat C-section and at 39 weeks I began to try any and all at home natural inductions methods. To my surprise I was still pregnant the day before my due date and not really feeling any different. I had been having bouts of long Braxton Hicks, but they never turned painful or regular. At my last OB appointment I was told I was 2 cm dilated and soft, but still posterior and high. (This meant that my baby was “sunny-side up” which can make labor longer and more difficult. Thankfully I didn’t ask what it meant until later…)
On December 5th I woke up and took what would be my last picture of this pregnancy.
Squishy had preschool that afternoon, so I decided while he was there I was going to go walk the mall in a last ditch effort to get my labor started. I spent 1.5 hours walking that mall, and let me tell you – I was a pregnancy cliché! I’m sure I looked pretty silly waddling in circles around both levels of that mall. Before long, I had to go pick up my son and I waddled back to my car. I was feeling like baby was lower, and very uncomfortable, but no lasting contractions.
Since it was the last day I would spend with my son before I brought his baby brother home, I wanted to make sure he had a really great day. Since pre-school lets out really close to his nap time we usually just go home, but today I surprised him by allowing him to go to the playground after school. He was so happy. As I sat and watched him, he ran and played with his school buddies. Not too long before I was about to tell him he needed to get ready to go home, another mommy at the playground turned to me and said, “Um, your son just said he was going to jump off that ledge.” (See playground platform with pole to slide down about 8-10 feet off the ground.) I looked at her and smiled, and said, “Oh, he won’t jump he is pretty cautious when it comes to things like this.”
Then my son screamed.
Yep, he jumped. As I ran full speed towards him, he tried to stand and immediately collapsed. He couldn’t put any weight on his leg. Visions of broken femurs and shattered ankles flew through my head. I heard myself yell, “WHY DID YOU JUMP? IT’S OKAY BABY, MAMA’S HERE. ” As I got to him, he collapsed in my arms screaming. I asked him where it hurt, and as I did, I noticed the other mommies were around me as well. One happened to be a nurse and she jumped in and started to assess him while another mom made a make shift ice-pack. Several tense tear-filled minutes later, it was determined that it was unlikely anything was broken, but I needed to watch him just in case. I picked my 41 lb son up, grabbed his sock filled with Starbucks ice, and walked the long distance to my car. I’m still not sure why he jumped. He has always be so cautious to do anything risky on the playground, but I was very VERY thankful he was okay. By the time we got home he wasn’t even limping, but I was having contractions that actually hurt.
After a quick lunch I put my son down for his nap. He asked me to lay with him, and suddenly that seemed like the best idea in the world. I had a lot I had planned to accomplish during his nap, but in that moment I couldn’t see anything better to do.
I fell asleep snuggling with my son. About 2 hours later to my surprise I woke up to a painful contraction. I was sure they would have gone away if I laid down. I laid there for another 10-15 minutes and had 3 more contractions that felt like they were coming in a pattern.
I got up, my son still sleeping and discovered a bit of bloody show. I knew then that this was probably it. I called my husband who had run out to do something and let him know. By the time he came home not too much later, I was timing them. They were 3-4 minutes apart but only lasting 45-1 minute. My husband wanted to go the hospital right then, but I wasn’t sure. I called my OB’s office and was informed by the after hours operator that if I thought I was in labor I needed to go to labor and delivery. I asked her if I could have my OB paged because I was scheduled for a C-Section the next morning. I was worried that they would send me home until my scheduled appointment. She said she couldn’t do that, and to go into the hospital if I thought I was in labor.
So with no advice to be had from the OB I did what any girl does next… I called my mom. She listened to me, and told me I should listen to my instincts but probably go in. At least I think that’s what she said, I can’t really remember our conversation to well. I spent the next hour trying to accomplish basic tasks and getting interrupted by contractions. It took me forever to add the few things left to pack to my bag, and I decided that I couldn’t go until I ate something. One giant honey crisp apple, 2 cheese sticks, and one very anxious husband later we were on our way to the hospital.
As we were walking into the hospital I joked with my husband that they may send me home if I wasn’t dilated enough.
That turned out to be a very bad joke.
Read Part 2 of my VBAC birth story.
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Colleen says
I love birth stories. I also wanted to have a VBAC with my second and I was going too but he would not drop, his head was too big and I ended up with a second C-Section. With my third I had no choice they told me after two it was two risky. I was very bummed, not so much about having another c-section but “planning” it. I love the unknown and going into labor. To me that is your body telling you it is time so I really missed not being able to do that with my third.
Emily says
I hear you on planning it – I am a bit of a control freak about numbers so that was one of the only things that appealed to me!! But happy and healthy is the best way to be no matter what the birth!! 🙂 xo
Amy @ Oh So Savvy Mom says
Kids always do the craziest things when mom is in no position to hurry over and diffuse the situation. LOL. Well, perhaps in this case it could have been a blessing. Maybe it was carrying the 41 lbs of Squish that sent you into labor. 🙂 Looking forward to the rest of your story!
Emily says
I think so! How are you feeling Amy??
Sara @ Mom Endeavors says
Great so far! Can’t wait to hear the rest!!! 🙂
Lisa says
ACK — you can’t leave us hanging!
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy says
Oh you tease. I can’t wait to read the rest.
Kristen says
Can’t wait to read the rest! I just posted my VBAC story on my blog tonight. I didn’t include it in my post, but the day before I went into labor, I also napped with my almost 3 year old. It’s like a subconsciously knew it could be our last day just the 2 of us and I wanted to soak up some extra snuggles :).
Emily says
That is so neat! I think you are right our bodies just knew!! 🙂 Congrats on your BEAUTIFUL baby!
amber whitehead says
Well now I’m ready for Part 2 lol
Megan @ That Neat Blog says
What a tease! I love hearing birth stories, especially VBACs!
Emily says
Thanks Megan! It’s almost done!
Sheri says
That’s not fair leaving us hanging like that!
Emily says
I know! I had hoped to have it up sooner – but I’m working on it!
Kelly @ A Girl Worth Saving says
Oh wow, Seriously I want to read the rest!
Emily says
Working on it right now!
Tricia Nightowlmama says
oh boy I bet carrying him back to the car set your body into a bit of distress and possibly tht’s what started your labor. i can’t wait to hear the rest
Emily says
That is what I think too – Since it all ended well, I guess I kinda have to thank him for being crazy! 🙂
Notorious Spinks says
I’m glad he was okay.
Emily says
Jennifer says
that’s really scary that he jumped off and from such a high place. So glad he’s ok though.
Emily says
Totally freaked me out!! He has been testing his limits since – I think I’m in for it!! :O
Stefani says
I had a c-section with my first child because she was breach. I wanted to do a vaginal birth with my second pregnancy but the doctors had said they did a check on my medical records and my uteris lining was thin and they only recommended a c-section. My second and third pregnancies where c-sections so I never got to experience a regular birth which I wanted. I was blessed with three healthy babies though. 🙂
Emily says
I think that is what is most important!! 🙂
HilLesha says
Thanks for sharing! I like reading birth stories.
Emily says
Thanks HilLesha!
Elaina- A Time Out for Mommy says
Aww! What a great story so far! I can’t wait to read the rest. I wish I had a VBAC. Just like you, I scheduled my c-section on my due date… odds were against me so we decided to go for the repeat c-section.
Emily says
As long as the end result is happy and healthy it works out for the best. <3
Amy @ Oh So Savvy Mom says
Oh, I’m feeling pretty well. Just exhausted. Baby’s just hanging out in there putting on weight (boy, I swear I can tell days when he’s grown more than others). Hopefully we’ll have a new little baby at our house within the next two weeks!
Jenn says
Well that’s one way to start labor! LOL
Maryann says
wow, what a way to kick it all off!
Toni says
Yay, can’t wait to read the rest and so happy you got to have a VBAC