This week’s Mom Pick Monday featured product is Nosefrida The Snotsucker Nasal Aspirator.
Why Is the NoseFrida Better Than Other Aspirators:
I have been using this since my son was around 9 months old. Even though I had been washing his hospital bulb in warm soapy water, it always had a nasty stink to it. I can only imagine if I could have cut it open and found this!
I have seen this picture several times of the past month on Facebook. Apparently according to Jeanne Sagar of The Stir, Mitzi Johnson cut open her bulb and found this even though she regularly cleaned it with soap and water. I am telling you, that could have been my hospital nasal bulb. I cleaned it regularly and it still smelled! Plus it never really got the boogers out very well. So I tossed it and jumped on the internet. I quickly found and ordered The NoseFrida. Almost every review will tell you that this is a must item for every parent of a young baby, and I am not the exception.
My Video Review:
I have recommended this to countless number of friends over the past three years, and every single one of them go on to rave about how great of a product it is. While it may look intimidating, and to some even gross, the reality is when your child can’t breathe you will do whatever you can to help them feel better.
When my first son was about 9 months old, he got really really really sick. 5 days of a fever above 105, antibiotic shots, and a stuffy nose that would not quit. The moment my NoseFrida arrived in the mail I tried it out, and found it to be EXTREMELY effective. For the first time in days he could breathe through his nose. While seeing all the gross things that came out of his nose was pretty disgusting, seeing him be able to breathe made it worth it.
A few things to note:
- There is a hygienic filter that according to clinical studies prevents mucus and bacterial transfer from child to user.
- You can NOT suck too hard.
- You will not be able to suck the boogers up to the filter (but if you are the one person with the lung power big enough to be able to, the filter will stop them from entering the tube), and they will never get into your mouth.
- The NoseFrida is made of a BPA free, non-allergenic, latex-free, and phthalate-free polypropylene.
- There are replacement filters.
- It is easy to clean.
Bottom Line:
At only $15 this product will help your child feel better through allergy, cold, and flu season. It will give parents peace of mind knowing they are able to help their child breathe better until they are old enough to blow their nose themselves. I highly recommend this product for every parent’s medicine cabinet.
You can buy the Nosefrida Nasal Aspirator online at Amazon, or you may be able to find it in your local baby stores.
If you have a product you would like featured on Mom Pick Monday, feel free to reach out to Emily at familyandlifeinlv(at)
Disclosure: I purchased the NoseFrida with my own money, it was not provided for review and this post is not compensated.
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Lolo says
That first picture is sick! Gross!! I need a nosefrida right now for myself!
Emily says
Oh no – are you sick!?
Jen @ BigBinder says
This is really great to hear about – my cousin’s wife is pregnant and I have never heard of it before – I am DEFINITELY getting her one. I really wish this had been around when my kids were babies.
Emily says
Thanks for letting me know! I’m glad I could help a bit!! Congrats to your cousin and his growing family!!
Amanda Nelson says
I hate hate hate our nose bulb, but I have been on the fence about the nose frieda. It does sorta gross me out, but I could probably get over that. However, I read that in breathing through the tubing it could put you at risk for getting the bug that your child is suffering from. Do you know anything about this?
Emily says
They said on their site that clinical studies show no bacterial transfer, but at the same time if your kids have it chances are you are already exposed… It is pretty gross, but then again so are kids filled with boogies! LOL!! Let me know if you try it!
Amanda says
I have been dying to try one of these. Our 9 month old just got horribly ill and she absolutely hates the nasal aspirator. I’ve always felt that there was just no good way to clean them so we have to buy a new one every time she gets sick. It’s terrible!
Emily says
Sick babies are no fun!! I hope your little girl feels better soon! Let me know if you try the Nosefrida!
Rhachelle Nicol' says
My two youngest boys came down with colds. I thought about getting a nose bulb. But I am sure both of them would have ran the other way.
Emily says
Oh no – I hope they feel better soon!!
Not So Average Mama says
Wow, I have never seen one of those before!
Emily says
Crazy looking isn’t it!!
Penelope (NYC Blogger) says
We have this, we got it for both boys and love it!
Emily says
Yay! I love hearing from other moms who love it!
Sarah @ East9thStreet says
Wow! I was just talking with someone I worked with how the bulb aspirators they give you at the hospital are the best! Well, I’m definitely not thinking that now! Do you know how old the bulb aspirator in the picture is?
Emily says
Sarah, I don’t. It may say in the article I linked though. I know mine was around 9 months when I started to notice the smell… but I never cut mine open.
Heather B says
I have never heard of this one before. That would make a really fun baby shower gift!
Emily says
I’ve done safety baskets for moms to be and always include my favorite products like this!! 🙂
Kara @The Joys of Boys says
Ok, I’m going to go and cut my bulb in half right now! That is so nasty! I have never heard of the Nosefrida but I’m thinking it may have a place in our home in the near future. 🙂
Emily says
Kara – You will have to let me know!! Also let me know what you think of the NoseFrida when you order it! 🙂
Marina says
Never heard of this. Thankfully both my “babies” are now old enough to blow 🙂
Emily says
LOL! That is a wonderful day when they learn to blow isn’t it! Right up there with learning to wipe!! 🙂
Wendys Hat says
Thanks for sharing this information. I know this is important but eew! I’m speechless!
Emily says
amber whitehead says
Loved your video and Baby D is as cute as ever. Thanks for the mom pick .
Emily says
Thank you Amber!! How are you doing?
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
That’s scary how much yuck was inside there. I’m sure it works super well, but I don’t think I could do it!
Emily says
I think until my son was so sick I may not have been able to either… Once you’ve done it it really isn’t that bad! LOL
Eleanor says
My babies are all grown, I wish I would of had this when they where little I had that disgusting bulb!
Emily says
Ugh! I know!
Melissa says
Okay, I am buying this and returning the bulb we bought! How disgusting!!!!
Emily says
I’m glad you bought one! Seriously one of my favorite baby gadgets ever!
Brandie (@ Home Cooking Memories) says
It does look a bit intimidating to me, BUT, if there is one mom of little ones I trust, it would be you, so this must be great. I’m way past the need for aspirators, but we used them all the time with our kids (that same blue one) and I’m kinda grossed out thinking what was inside of ours. Someday I hope to have grandkids, and will keep the Nosefrida in mind.
Elaina- A Time Out for Mommy says
I have this for my little one and love it!
Maryann says
I have heard these are great.
HilLesha says
I purchased this a couple months ago. It’s very gross, but it works well! Also, I got a bad case of strep throat right after – coincidence? 😉