I figured I had better get this update up before Baby D turns 11 months, especially after practically missing his 9 month baby update all together! #SecondKidSyndrome is no joke!!
Since it’s been 2 months since a proper update I have lots to share!!
I think the thing that has grown the fastest in the past two months has been Baby D’s hair! So soft and fluffy he sure has a full head of fine blond hair. After a bath or in the humidity it flips up and curls a bit in the back. I die over those sweet baby curls.
As far as weight gain goes we have slowed down considerably in this area. He is right around 22.5 lbs and I think just over 30 inches long now. He is much longer than K was at this age, and skinnier too!
If one more person tells me Baby D is starting to lose the baby look and become a little boy I might cry! Seriously! Why does this stage fly by in the blink of an eye!!
I also think he is starting to look a lot like his big brother. It’s funny how from month to month their looks can change. Some days (most days) he has looked just like his Daddy. Other times I swear I see my family in him.
First & Milestones:
Lots of exciting things happened in the past month alone! Baby D is really picking up on sign language, starting to get very mobile, and interacting more and more with his brother. He loves stacking blocks and knocking them over, and he spends his days looking for the small little things he shouldn’t have that mommy left on the floor – aka his fine motor skills are pretty on target! I’m pretty sure he is also saying All Done “A duh”. So much for a first “word” right!
New At 10 Months old:
- Shakes his head no
- Nods Yes
- Plays “So Big”
- Waves Hello and Goodbye
- Signs a lot!
- Cruises along furniture
- Can stand alone for a few seconds at a time
- Started climbing
Not much change here since his 8 month baby update. Baby D is still exclusively breastfeeding. The only “safe” food we know that he has is apples, and recently I am even starting to question that as safe. While he doesn’t have a full blown FPIES vomiting, lethargic reaction to it, he won’t keep down the pureed applesauce. So I tried giving him apple slices to suck on and the few days he had them he was SCREAMING and pushing away from me a few hours later.
I’m also convinced that while he is a VERY happy baby lately my breast milk doesn’t seem like it is enough for him. He is probably going through a growth spurt, but he’s nursing nearly every hour when we are at home, and crying when he’s done eating. We did finally get him to take a bottle so sometimes I will offer him pumped milk and he will down 6 ozs like it’s nothing less than 30 minutes since he nursed. I don’t have that much pumped milk saved up and I don’t pump a lot when I do pump now (not like I did in the beginning anyway). Funny, I have been breastfeeding now for 27 cumulative months between both boys and I am so far from confident in having the answers for my own child. I am however, extremely blessed to be able to breastfeed him because at least he has something that is providing him nutrition. I’m wondering if I should start supplementing with a special non-dairy non-soy formula… I wouldn’t stop breastfeeding obviously since he isn’t going to be eating any food until probably close to 18 months when he goes for his food trials, but I just wonder if he’d be happier at night and less fussy during the day if he had more food in his belly…
This is probably the single reason why I didn’t put up an update at 9 months old. Baby D’s sleep issues continued to get worse and worse until at 9 months he was waking up every 45 minutes, nursing to sleep, and waking up again 45 minutes from the last time he woke up. Meaning I was practically up every 30 minutes at night. I was at my wits end. So sleep deprived I had nothing left for anyone else. Not K, not my husband. Of course I pushed through for K, but my husband seriously got none of my time. I was so tired and touched out. I tried several no cry sleep solutions, all of which only pissed Baby D off worse and made him scream louder. It was then someone asked me if he was crying or squawking… So I spent a few nights charting the kinds of crying he was doing and found that he wasn’t crying. He was yelling out, and stopping, yelling out and stopping. He had become fully reliant on me to put him to sleep. He couldn’t self soothe at all.
Finally I decided to try something different. I turned off the audio on my monitor. From my bedroom I can hear him if he is crying, but I was actually responding to the little noises too. Once I turned off the audio on the video monitor (I stayed up and watched because I am not comfortable with any form of crying it out for my son.) he would squawk a minute, and lay back down. When he started to cry I went to him. Within 2 days of trying this and only responding to him when he started to cry he began to sleep 100 times better. He still wakes up 3-4 times per night to nurse, but that was better than the 12+ times we were doing! Some nights we still have bad nights. Usually they are food related. (Either I ate something I’m supposed to stay away from, or he tried apples… All in all I feel like a new person and Baby D seems very happy with his new sleeping schedule.
This is such a fun time for language. I remember my first son just exploding with words and signs at this age, and Baby D is doing the same thing! I swear he says All Done “A duh”. He also says Dada with intent and lots of babbles. We have even heard “Hi” a time or two.
We started working on playful emotions. Baby D loves growling or “getting mad”, but of course he does it with a massive grin on his face!
Signing is going really well. I need to introduce more signs to him as he is now doing all the ones I do on a regular basis like “All Done”, “Milk”, and “More”. We are working on brother, bath, please, and thank you.
Favorite Moments:
They are all favorite moments right now. Just when I think this little dude can’t get any cuter, be any happier, or lovable he does! He is now giving hugs and pats people on the back when he does it. I think my favorite thing has been watching him with his brother. If bro-bro walks away from him, Baby D turns to me and signs “more”! I cried the first time he did that!
As we approach 11 months and have started to plan Baby D’s first birthday party I can honestly say I am not sure how I feel about it. Obviously I love watching him grow, but it is so bittersweet. You blink and they are big! I just want to encapsulate this age and let him be little forever!
Love you Baby D!
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He’s so sweet! I can’t believe how big he’s getting. It’s really interesting to hear about the squawking vs. crying thing. Liam is still waking up every night at least twice and wants to nurse. I wish I could get him to sleep in his crib and get himself back to sleep. I did a great job with sleep training my older two and not so much with Liam.
Ah, he’s getting so big and learning so much! I’m so glad he is sleeping a bit more.
Way to darn cute for words!!!!!!!!
What a cutie. They are so much fun at that age!
These pictures just kept making me say “Awe.” Sleep is so important for both Mama and Baby, glad you guys are finding a routine that works better for both of you.
I’d probably talk to your doctor and see what he thinks about his maybe being hungry and if you should supplement. He’s a chunker though, so he’s clearly eating. 🙂 Cute!
Planning a first birthday party is so exciting. What sweet photos! I love that you have documented each month. So precious.
I love your updates! I have a 10 month old also who is exclusively breastfed. She does have her moments when I think she just isn’t interested in nursing. I try giving her finger foods like bits of pears or toast and she picks at that as well. So, sounds like what were going through is pretty normal, ha! Take care, http://needhelpbreastfeeding.blogspot.com/
He is absolutely adorable! Loved the month by month photo collage.
Your baby looks like a mofo. Sorry about that.