It's the time of year when many are making resolutions for a better year. That has always failed me in the past. I tend to work better with smaller term goals like monthly goal setting. I do pick a word each year to focus on. This year I decided to go with Accountability. ACCOUNTABILITY I need to be more accountable to myself and the goals I take on. Sometimes this means realizing that … [Read more...]
What I Ate: 10 Days on the Whole 30 Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner + Weekly Menu Plan
I'm sorry I'm so behind on these recap posts!! In an effort to catch up I am combining 1.5 weeks... Hope you don't mind too much. My third week into the Whole 30 started off great. Feeling good, getting into a groove, trying some new recipes, and even experimented with dinner for breakfast... My son's baptism was scheduled for Sunday and my father and sister were coming into town. … [Read more...]
What I Ate Week 2 Whole 30 Food Diary + Week 3 Meal Plan
Week 2 left me feeling a little bored... I didn't vary my plan enough and got frustrated eating a lot of the same things. Other than that I think week 2 went very good. My breastmilk supply is still on the up and up, and my jeans have been fitting a lot better. I even ventured out to eat with my husband this week for a date night. My hubs isn't Paleo, but we are both trying to … [Read more...]
What I Ate: Week 1 Whole 30 Food Diary + Week 2 Menu Plan
Week 1 (Round 3) of the whole 30 went pretty good. I found myself enjoying and repeating many meals. I tend to get stuck in eating the same thing over and over, so I really try to branch out and try different meals for dinner. I also learned I wasn't taking enough time to meal prep this week. My breakfasts clearly show that. Not being able to eat eggs (due to my baby's FPIES) is … [Read more...]
Creamy Avocado Salad Dressing | 4 Ingredient Paleo Dressing
I'm often frustrated by trying to find a salad dressing that is Paleo or even harder yet, Whole 30 approved. So many salad dressings have soy, vegetable, canola, and even sugar added to them. I've been making my own salad dressings for years using spices from Penseys, so when I began eating Paleo making my own dressings was something I was used to. I love a good vinegar based dressing, … [Read more...]