My son has always been out going, but even still as he headed into his third year, I was worried he wouldn’t be prepared for preschool come the fall semester. While he is very social, he like many three year-olds had a hard time articulating his frustrations, sharing, sitting for longer periods of time, and I had no idea how he would do when it came to taking direction from people other … [Read more...]
Imagination Ignited at Camp @KidvilleLV
Last week I wrote about the 3 gifts Camp Kidville has given to me as a parent. This week I thought I would focus on one amazing gift Camp Kidville in Las Vegas at Tivoli Village has shared with my son. One of my son’s favorite parts of Camp Kidville has been the dress up days! I love watching his imagination soar as he puts on each costume or in his case little persona as each … [Read more...]
Music Provides Children With Keys to Learning | Camp @KidvilleLV
Plato was a smart man. Music plays a very important part in my son’s life. From the moment he was born he would “hum” himself to sleep. We used to laugh at it, I mean what newborn hums? My Squishy did. As he got older he would sing himself to sleep. It really is one of my favorite things to listen to. Now that he is three is learning songs and rhythms. … [Read more...]
Gym Time is Important Time at Camp @KidvilleLV
I often wish I could tap into my toddler and borrow some of his energy. In fact, the day “they” learn to harness that energy and sell it to the masses is the day someone will get very rich! I don’t know a parent out there who hasn’t thought to themselves at some point or another, “Where on earth does my child get all this energy!” When you are going to ask a toddler to … [Read more...]