Dear Baby D, My sweet little mama’s boy. How fast this past year went! They say that time flies when you are having fun, and you have certainly proved that rule. It’s funny now to look at you and wonder how on earth you haven’t been part of my life longer, but the truth is I think you may have always been a part of my life. I think it’s very fitting that you were born in December as you … [Read more...]
Birth Stories From Real Moms: Home Birth After Hospital Birth
In September to celebrate the National Improving Birth Rally held across the US I decided to share real birth stories from real moms all week on my blog. I had such a wonderful response that I've decided to make it a continued monthly feature. Each month (as long as I have submissions) I will continue to share beautiful birth stories! You can submit your birth story (please include … [Read more...]
Aimee’s HELLP Birth Story
Am I the only one who cries reading other people's birth stories? Today's story comes from Aimee who has her own blog - Momma Needs Some Coffee. I think her story is one that too many women have, but a great reminder that you HAVE to listen to your gut! "Mom Instincts" are real, and they start prior to giving birth! Don't forget to catch up on all this week's birth stories (links … [Read more...]
Samantha’s Birth Stories (2 Boys 2 Different Labors)
I will start by saying I have two beautiful boys, but my pregnancies were not easy on me. With both my pregnancies I ended up on bed rest by 9 and 7 weeks due to my severe hyperemesis. I was on daily IV’s and Zofran to keep me hydrated and from vomiting constantly. Thankfully by about 20 weeks each time the hyperemesis calmed down and I was able to enjoy the remainder of my pregnancies. With … [Read more...]
Krista’s Cholestasis Birth Story
Day 3 of my week of Birth Stories to celebrate the National Improving Birth Rally (held yearly on Labor Day). Don’t worry if you missed any, you can always check them out here: Elliana’s Home Birth Story Why I Care About Improving Birth + My 2 Birth Stories Today Krista shares her scary journey with an unexpected induction turned Csection due to Cholestasis. Thankfully … [Read more...]