It's almost time for school to start, and while most parents are busy buy school supplies and working on their calenders it's also the perfect time to make sure you have some Young Living essential oils in your home. I've been using essential oils for a few years, but I'm so happy I have my everyday oils on hand to deal with all that a new school year is going to throw at us. Going back to … [Read more...]
How to Use Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender is one of the first essential oils I started using. It's extremely versatile, something I had no clue when I was learning how to use lavender essential oil. Lavender essential oil can calm nerves, help get your body ready for bed, sooth sunburn, cuts, bruise, and other burns. It can be used as a bath soak, pillow spray, or laundry refresher! In my home I use it in a … [Read more...]
Happy Aromatherapy Day | How I Use My Oils
Happy Aromatherapy Day! (Yes, I know it's also Father's Day and I didn't want to overshadow that special day so I'm posting a day early!) aro·ma·ther·a·py - noun \ə-ˌrō-mə-ˈther-ə-pē\ : the use of natural oils that have a pleasant smell to make a person feel better especially by rubbing the oils into the skin - Source Whether you are stressed out, anxious, suffer from … [Read more...]