You may recall last month I was fortunate to team up with Juno Lucina and review the Juno Lucina Push Gift - a stunning and simple diamond necklace. Juno Lucina is the industry leader and the creator of the original push gift. Judging by the response I had to this review, I can tell a lot of you would love to receive this gorgeous symbol of motherhood, pregnancy, and parenting. Juno Lucina is … [Read more...]
The Original Push Gift for New Moms | Juno Lucina Review @PushGift
When I open my jewelry box it is like opening a memory box. Every piece of nice jewelry I own has a story attached to it. The pearls I was given for graduation/confirmation, the ring my husband bought me for our one year dating anniversary, the bracelet my mother gave me after my son was born. To me jewelry isn’t just about fancy stones and precious metal, but rather the … [Read more...]