A Love Affair to be exact. And no - it isn't with a man. Haven't you ever found something and instantly known you were in love? I can't help myself. I am an addict. I am in love with... Headbands. I can't stop, I can't get enough. I could wear a new one everyday if I could afford it. I spend hours on etsy drooling. This Affair is one with flair. Check … [Read more...]
Baby-wearing in Las Vegas {Part 2}
Last week in Baby-Wearing in Las Vegas Part 1 I wrote about finding and buying the Mei Tai. That carrier is the very reason I fell in love with baby-wearing. Here is the reason why: That carrier gave me more freedom then I had had since my son was born. You see, nursing didn’t come easy to me, and once we finally corrected his lazy latch, things still weren’t “easy”. My son was … [Read more...]
Dear Squish, Please STOP Licking Playground Equipment
Dear my sweet Squishy, Well, another week is drawing to a close here in Las Vegas. You spent the beginning of your week enjoying limited time with your Farmor Ingrid. You adore having extra people here to pay attention to you. Hambone to the fullest! However, we all knew something wasn't quite right when on Monday you were uber crab, and Tuesday your nose started to run. I attributed … [Read more...]
My Week in Pictures!
Thought you would just like to see what a typical week looks like around here!! Life with My Squishy is Anything but boring!! … [Read more...]
Five Things I Love about Nurtisystem {Week 13}
In honor of Valentine's Day tomorrow I thought it would be a great time to share things I l♥ve about Nutrisystem. I stole borrowed this from SippyCupMom 1. I love how easy it is. (Serious minimal brain power required) Everything is labeled and color coded. 2. I love how many extras you can eat. Seriously - when ever you are hungry - you are free to nosh on veggies. Currently I am having a … [Read more...]