If you glance up at the date in this post you will realize that Baby D is FAR from his 9 month month-day... However, the Mom Fail that was his 9 month update never got posted! AND I'm 17 days late on posting his 10 month update... ROCKSTAR parenting at it's finest! ...Or should I say real life parenting? ::insert large sigh:: So as I work on his 10 month update I thought … [Read more...]
Baby D Monthly Update | 7 Months Old
I think as long as I get the post up while he is still 7 months I’m not really late right? Poor buddy. Second child syndrome all the way! A few big things happened since Baby D’s 6 month baby update. I swear babies are like ninjas – you blink your eyes and they are sitting pretty showing off some new tricks! Growth: One month after his 6 month appointment and Baby D has already … [Read more...]
Baby Update | 5 Months Old
I think I will start every single one of these posts with – WOW! “X” months already? Seriously, I just don’t understand why or how time is flying by so quickly. My sweet little boy is already 5.5 months now. While I am very timely with taking the pictures, getting them posted and my updates written is another story. Life in general seems to be passing before my eyes. I want to scream out … [Read more...]
Baby D Update | 3 Months Old
Okay, really! Does time EVER slow down? Why is it that the first three months of your pregnancy seem like the absolute longest months ever, and yet the first three months of your baby’s life go by in the blink of an eye? Baby D has grown leaps and bounds since his two month update, and is cuter than ever! I may be a bit biased… He is just the happiest little baby, who seems to have a … [Read more...]
Toddler Talk ~ Week 22 (Milestones)
Welcome to week 22 of Toddler Talk Thursday! Where Family and Life in Las Vegas, Crazy about my Baybah, and My Life as a Sippy Cup Mom Talk all things Toddler! We hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family and are enjoying the New Year!Toddler Talk Thursday was created as a place for moms and dads of toddlers to come together over a weekly topic and share ideas, go-to toys, or products. It … [Read more...]