It’s the end of yet another exhausting day doing the single parenting thing while my husband is overseas for his job. The constant demands, playground interventions, tantrums, and all in everyday things that need to happen can be super draining. I have been thinking a lot about how I am not the parent that I dreamed of being. Recently my blog friend Hanan wrote on her blog about … [Read more...]
A Happy Family Starts with A Healthy Mom | Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms #Giveaway
Being a mother is one of the most amazing and rewarding jobs in the whole world. Since becoming a mom the amount of love and light I have in my life has grown immeasurably! With that said, being a mother can also be stressful and downright hard at times. After I had my son, I remember thinking that my priorities were no longer to take care of myself, but to focus on my son … [Read more...]
What I Wear! #SweatToStreet
Welcome to Sweat to Street Sunday's! Each week my fabulously fit co-hosts and I will link up with one everyday outfit AND one fitness outfit that we love! Meet Your Hosts! Family and Life in Las Vegas (Emily) Wild Things RUN Free (Charlotte) Running and Cupcakes (Samantha) MCM Mama (Erika) Boobs, Barbells, and Broccoli (Tenecia) ***IF YOU WANT TO FOLLOW SWEAT TO … [Read more...]
Fun Art for Toddlers Found on Pinterest
Who is ready for a Momfession? Momfession: I am pretty bad about doing art projects with my son. But this spring/summer that is going to change! I have made it my mission to do at least 1-3 per month. This doesn't include what he does at playgroup or class. And thank goodness for Pinterest! It is a wealth of ideas!! Here are some of our upcoming projects! I love these … [Read more...]