Oh boy! Here we go again with the holidays! Families are together and that means besides the massive amounts of gravy in the bloodstream, cameras are coming out of the purses and shutters are sure to be pressed. Here are just a few quick tips from a professional photographer that will help you to get better holiday snapshots of your loved ones: 1) Stay calm: When you are the one … [Read more...]
Disneyland Family Vacation (Photo Story)
I haven’t been super active on my blog at all lately because I have been enjoying not only having my husband home from deployment, but also enjoying our first real “family” vacation. We have taken weekends before, but we haven’t been able to do this long of a trip since our honeymoon! For 7 days we enjoyed our time in California, 4 days in Disneyland and Disney California Adventure, and 1 day … [Read more...]
Guess Who This Is? | Wordless Wednesday Flashback!
Do you know who that little girl is? If you guessed me you would be right! We finally cleaned out our garage and I found a home video that my mother had placed on a DVD. I watched it with Squishy and he thought it was so funny. Not sure if he understood that it was me or not, but still. It was fun to flashback for a moment. Have you shared old pictures or videos … [Read more...]
My 7 Super Travel Shots | #7SuperShots
Every once in a while I get really excited about a post. Spoiler Alert: This is one of those posts! I am participating in the Hostelbooker’s 7 Super Shots game. This game is all about sharing seven favorite travel photos based on some pre-determined categories. I was a bit limited on my picture selection as I don’t have my hard drive from most of my traveling days. Thank you … [Read more...]
Vacation Memories {10 Favorite Photos}
I honestly could share 100 favorite pictures from our Disneyland/California vacation. But in no particular order here are 10 favs I think are too good not to share! I am linking up with Oh Amanda's Top Ten Tuesday! Here are some more I couldn't help but include! … [Read more...]