Winner winner - lucky number 13!! KDC Events said... 13 I follow both of you on twitter @kdcevents Congratulations to KDC Events on winning the Scandle Giveaway! I hope you enjoy your massage oil candle. You have 48 hours to respond to the email I sent, or I will have to draw a new winner … [Read more...]
Daily Vegas ~ Post it Tuesday!!
Megan over at a Ruffle in Time passed on the Blog with Substance award to me. Each time I get one of these awards I am pretty astonished; it really does mean a lot to me because it means someone may well possibly really read what I am writing. Which seriously still amazes me. Thank you Megan - you are such a great mother , and your little kiddos are seriously cute! Megan has posted some fun … [Read more...]
Daily Vegas~Post It Tuesday!!
They did our bed up different every night, but always with fresh flowers!Some of the Mayan Ruins ~ A view looking over the cityWalking together on the beach at sunset.Zip-lining. I would put the Hubs pic up too, but I am pretty sure that would land me in the doghouse... He looked pretty goofy, but he is my goofy!I mean come on, couldn't you just stay here forever. We look so relaxed in this … [Read more...]
Wow the days sure fly by don't they?? I know I missed last week. It has been really hard to keep up. Most of the time I post when I have an opportunity. (Which usually means when I should be sleeping...)So I apologize for the lack of consistancy in blogging. I can't promise it will get any better, because as the days go by, there always seems to be more and more to … [Read more...]
A Post it Tuesday of a different kind.
I am taking a brief hiatus from my normal post-its to bring you a couple post its that recently became something I have a vested interest in. Over the past year I have been blessed to become friends with a wonderful and amazing mother. Her daughter was diagnosed with Prader-Willi Syndrome at a couple months of age. If you are anything like me, you probably didn't even know such a thing existed. … [Read more...]