A few weeks ago I was blindsided by a huge unexpected wave of emotion that ended with me doing an ugly cry in the parking lot of my son's summer camp. I suddenly realized I was inches away from a huge roots and wings moment in parenting. I'm sending my son off to kindergarten! I'm trusting others to help guide him and teach him. I'm saying one more goodbye to add to the pile of those life moments … [Read more...]
Life’s First Moments Are My True Blessing
Any parent can tell you that life is full of “roots & wings” moments. Our time with our children is so fleeting. While we may have a lifetime to love them, they are really only “ours” for 18 or so years at which point we pray we have given them enough life moments to grow their roots and spread their wings and enter the world on their own to fly. With the anticipation of my … [Read more...]
My Baby is Growing Up!
Dear Squishy, How does someone who once was the cutest little squishy of a baby grow up to be such a sweet and independent toddler so quickly? Today you started camp at Kidville here in Las Vegas. As excited as you were to start I have to admit I was a little nervous for the day. For one, my little baby is going to camp for the first time! Spreading those wings just a little … [Read more...]
To My Sick Toddler…
Dear Squishy, When you were little and you got sick I could hold you all day long. I could sing to you, and rock you, and pat your bottom until you fell to sleep. I could take you in the shower with me, and hold you in the steam, or keep you warm as the cool water took your fevers down. I could protect you from as much of the sickness as I could. But now that you … [Read more...]
The greatest gifts a parent can give | Dear Squishy
Dear Squishy, The other day as I looked over at you playing, I found tears springing to my eyes. You were playing at Kidville, and you were doing everything all on your own. You even shared with another child without prompting. It was as if you had grown up right in front of my face. And it hit me in that moment how quickly time catches up with you. I admit I … [Read more...]