“I have been compensated by Pedialyte for this post; however, I am sharing my own thoughts. All opinions are my own.” Thanks to bacteria and germs, you can never determine when your kids will get sick. They can be fine one day and the next day, you are taking care of them because they are ill. Recently, my boys were both struck with the bug and I was so happy to have the Pedialyte Freezer Pops! I … [Read more...]
10 Must Haves for Flu Season – Creating a Flu Survival Kit
This winter has kicked our butts. HARD. It honestly seems like no matter how much we clean and prevent we have had someone sick in the house since Christmas. Having had to deal with colds, flu, stomach bugs, and a serious bout of bronchitis I am confident I have finally put together the items I don't like being without when it comes to "Flu Season". I'm a semi-crunchy mama so I like to make … [Read more...]
10 Tips to Stay Healthy During Flu Season
Thank you CVS Minute Clinic for sponsoring our conversation about the Flu. It's almost Halloween and there are ghosts and goblins on every street corner, fake spiderwebs on bushes, and kids are getting ready to go trick or treating. But for my family Halloween season also means it's time for us to get our flu shots. I know there are lots of opinions out there on whether or not you should get … [Read more...]
Fighting Colds & Coughs Naturally with Zarbee’s #MC #ZarbeesCough
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Zarbee’s Naturals. I received product samples and a promotional item as a thank you for participating. My son K was diagnosed with Asthma at 9 months old. It wasn't the first time he suffered with his breathing, but it was the first time it was given a name. Having dealt with asthma my whole life I knew the … [Read more...]
Protecting Your Baby During RSV Season #RSVAwarness #MC
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for MedImmune. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. I can hardly believe it's been nearly year since Baby D was born. I remember being so worried about about Flu and RSV season (YES, both have their own season.) My first son was 6 months old during RSV season (November - March) and 6 of … [Read more...]