If there is anything I've learned since becoming a mother it is how important a well established sleep routine is to a young child. When my children were newborns we let them set their own schedule. We didn't worry so much on time but let the baby lead our day. Eventually close to a year of age both of our boys would fall into a routine at night. If we varied from that sleep routine we would … [Read more...]
6 Teething Tips for Toddlers
Well, I knew it was coming. I knew we had one more battle to face. Squishy is getting his 2 year molars. From what I hear this process can last for months, but the MOLAR MONSTER is definitely back in Las Vegas. As mentioned before; Signs of this Molar Monster may include, but are not limited to: Mass hysteria Serious sleep deprivation Lack of coordination related to symptom … [Read more...]
Reverb10 ~ Writing
December 2 - Writing.What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?(Author: Leo Babauta) I thought long and hard about this prompt. What do I do that doesn't contribute to my writing? Do I do something that doesn't contribute? I write about my Family Life, so pretty much anything is fair game. Inspiration can come from any daily … [Read more...]
Day 3 Operation No Bouncer is done…
A while back I had posted about my son, and how he was still going to sleep every night by being bounced in his bouncer. (You can catch up at Operation No Bouncer) Well, it has been over 3 months since I posted that! (Wow, where does the time go??) And as of 2 days ago, Squishy was still going to sleep in his bouncer. He loves that chair, he wants his bottle in it, he likes to sit in it, when … [Read more...]
Daily Vegas ~ We Interrupt Your Reguarly Scheduled Posting
We are currently experiencing Molar Monster H.E.Double-Hockey Stick right now.Signs of this malfunction may include, but are not limited to:Mass hysteriaSerious sleep deprivationLack of coordination related to symptom aboveBiting while nursingRefusing to eatRefusing to sleepCrazy quantities of droolIncrease in Diet Coke consumptionTemper TantrumsA willingness to try anything to make it stopIf you … [Read more...]