I can't believe this year is already coming to an end. 2014 marked my 5th year of blogging, and at the same time I don't think I blogged less than I did this year. This year was hard - I hoped to find a balance between family life, work life, and blogging - but I am still looking for it. My husband was deployed much of this year which I believe contributed to much of my lack of posting. I'm not … [Read more...]
Top 10 Super Bowl XLVIII Commercials 2014
Last year I did a post on the best and worst Super Bowl Commercials, this year I figured I would just do a top 10. In no particular order... 10. Radio Shack - "The 80's Called" 9. Cheerios - "Gracie" 8. Maserati Ghibli (My husband's pick) 7. T-mobile - "Tim Tebow is the boss!" 6. Audi "Doberhuahua" (Excited about this one since they were … [Read more...]