If you missed my announcement last week, I have started a new regular series on my blog and YouTube channel (<--- are you subscribed??) called Week in the Life. Each week I'm going to string together at least 1 video from every day of the week. It's my attempt to create a video scrapbook to capture all the little moments I feel are flying by. Here is week 2 of Week in the … [Read more...]
Week In The Life (Week 1: 3/11-3/18)
I've decided to try something new on Wednesdays. Every Wednesday I will upload a video to my YouTube channel that is exactly one Week In The Life of Our Knight Life! I just found that I had so many little videos of my kids on my iPhone that I wanted to put them together as a way to look back and remember what is going on in our life at this exact moment. I guess it's because I … [Read more...]