On Thursday (The first day of World Breastfeeding Week) I read this Huff Post article: I Support You: The Conversation We Should Be Having About Breastfeeding and Formula. I was so immediately touched by the article that I wrote and shared this via Instagram and my other social media channels. I know it says a lot. But the reality is this. I do support you. All moms. No matter what … [Read more...]
Naturally Nursing Breastfeeding Giveaway Event ($291) (US Only) #Giveaway
August 1st is the beginning of World Breastfeeding Week. As of today I have been nursing for 2 years of the 4 years I have been a mom. I breastfed my first son until he self weaned at 16 months old. I was so sad, but it happened naturally and I was thrilled to have made it over a year. With Baby D I hope to at least nurse until he is 18 months old, maybe even 2. There is no magic … [Read more...]