You may notice that this post is going up 5 days prior to Baby D turning 9 months. While part of that is simply me not finding the time this month between a thousand doctor appointments and the Hubs returning home from deployment, it is also that every time I sat down to write this update I got overwhelmed with emotion and didn’t want to continue. After a long few months of looking for answers to Baby D’s health problems that I wrote about in his 7 month baby update, we may be really close to an answer. And while I knew it was coming, I wasn’t prepared for the sheer emotion I would go through with it. Don’t get me wrong, there are clearly a million worst things in the world to be dealing with than food allergies, and I am grateful to know more about what is going on and how I can help Baby D’s health, but I can’t help but be scared for the future and what it might hold. (More on that in the food section.)
Baby D is slowing down with his weight gain, but is maintaining his top of the charts for height status. As of 8 months and 2 weeks old, Baby D weighed in at 21 lbs 13 ozs (77%) and was 29.5 inches long (91%). He has only put on 1 lb 1 oz since his 6 month appointment.
Baby D looks just like his father. Everyone remarks how similar they look, and I very much agree. It is amazing how babies can inherit facial expressions too! His eyes are still a gorgeous blue/green, and his hair is getting longer but staying very blond. He is very expressive too!
It is also funny that while looking SO much like his Daddy you sure can tell our boys are brothers!
Baby K on left – Baby D on right!
First & Milestones:
We had LOTS of firsts this month! It’s been CRAZY how much Baby D is learning and growing. Many of these things his brother didn’t do until several months later!
- Learning to clap!
- Giving “five”.
- Dancing or bouncing!
- Getting 4 upper teeth.
- Crawling!
- Pulling to Standing!
Still waking several times at night. As few as 5 and as often as 10-12. We are starting to fall into a very nice routine of when Baby D gets to nap during the day and when he goes to bed at night. Just like his older brother instead of acting sleepy when he is tired he gets silly and crazy. Gotta love those boys!
You may notice that glaring abbreviation above. FPIES. Part of me almost hesitates to use it without an official diagnosis from the specialist, but until I am told otherwise I have to go with what we know. At our last appointment with the GI specialist he basically confirmed all my fears about Baby D and his health. He diagnosed Baby D with Milk Protein Allergy and probable severe Food Protein Allergy. Since I had been made previously aware of FPIES first through a blogging friend of mine Courtney (via Courtney’s Sweets whose sweet baby girl was also recently diagnosed with FPIES) and later though my husband’s constant Google efforts as he tried so hard to help from afar. The more research we did the more Baby D’s symptoms lined up. So when the Dr diagnosed him with Food Protein allergies I asked him about FPIES. He had not heard of that, but listened to what I knew of it and agreed it sounded very likely. We will most likely have to go to a specialist for an official diagnosis. The only problem is there are no specialists in Nevada. Phoenix and San Diego are the closest.
What is FPIES?
Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES) is a type of food allergy affecting the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Classic symptoms of FPIES include profound vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. These symptoms can lead to severe lethargy, change in body temperature and blood pressure. Unlike typical food allergies, symptoms may not be immediate and do not show up on standard allergy tests. Furthermore, the negative allergy evaluation may delay the diagnosis and take the focus off the causative food. Nonetheless, FPIES can present with severe symptoms following ingestion of a food trigger. Read more at: | The FPIES Foundation
LOTS of babbling. Sudden outbursts, and screams for attention. Mamas, Dadas, (without intention), and more. He is a joy to listen to and seems to almost respond to us as we talk to him. He sure knows he can talk for attention!
This past month he has also started to take a read interest in books. Listening, chewing, throwing – he does it all with them! Thankfully he’s got lots of books to choose from, most of which already have bite marks from his brother! I do love our nightly story time!
Favorite Moments:
Clapping for the first time!
Dancing and Bouncing along with this brother! I love watching them interact and now that D is more mobile it is even more fun!
I love that Baby D now reaches for me. It is virtually the baby way of saying I love you in my opinion. Since he is a mama’s boy he sure does a lot of reaching… at least that is when he isn’t crawling and getting into or making a mess!
Now if you will excuse me I have to go chase after the super mobile baby!
See you soon for another baby update! I can’t believe 9 is right around the corner!
Latest posts by Emily (Posts)
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Marcie W. says
Just look at those thigh rolls! He is the cutest. I hope you get some answers about his poor tummy troubles soon. Hang in there and take it one trial at a time.
Rachael says
What sweet pictures and beautiful baby! I’m so sorry to hear of the trouble you are going through. My daughter has FPIES too and sometimes you can feel all alone because no one seems to understand what you are going through. Hang in there, mama. Once you begin to understand his triggers and get a clue of which foods causes them it does get better. Never easy but you all begin to adjust.
Tammy says
Oh I can’t even imagine how you’re feeling right now. I’m glad though that you can reach out to Courtney with questions and hopefully your son’s doctor will be able to find out more that can help you locally so you won’t feel so alone.
Donna says
Wow, it does not seem possible he’s already 8 months! I love all the many looks he has… so cute!
Jenn says
Cuteness! Gus is turning a year soon and only weighs 17lbs. He’s not even on the charts! Sweet T was/is the same way so you’d think I wouldn’t worry, but I keep fretting and offering more food. 😉
Jenn- The Rebel Chick says
Goodness he is getting so big, and look at the rolls on those thighs! Love it.
You are such an amazing mom Emily and doing the absolute best for your little man.
Angela says
He is such a cute and happy baby. I am glad you at least know what you are dealing with at this point health-wise.
Vanessa: thequeenofswag says
He’s so adorable and it’s amazing how fast they grow. Soon he’ll be walking!
Courtney says
What a little meaty!!! I can’t believe he’s already 8 months! I feel like M was just born yesterday and somehow she’s almost 14 months. My thoughts and prayers are with you during your journey for a diagnosis of FPIES for Baby D. I am going to a huge conference with top docs for FPIES in October with M and we’ll be asking all sorts of questions – let me know if there’s anything you’d like answered, however you know with FPIES there really aren’t many 🙁 Hugs!
Kathleen says
Love those chunky little legs. He has grown into such a handsome little boy.
HilLesha says
Aw, what a cutie! 🙂
Stefanie says
Oh he’s getting so big!
Homa says
I am sending you all good thoughts, soy certainly is in so much but the options are getting better and better. Enjoy Life Foods makes treats and cereals that are free of the top 8 allergens but like you said, with FPIES you don’t know if you’ve caught all the triggers for your little guy. Hang in there and let me know if I can be of any help.
Crystal @ Simply Being says
I hope you are able to find his triggers without too many trials. I know nothing about FPIES and can’t imagine what you must be going through 🙁 He sure does look happy and healthy though 🙂
Toni says
Oh my gosh is he ever cute! Sorry to hear all the troubles you have been going through, it can be so hard. He is just adorable and I hope all goes well!